
Does Your Makeup Remover ADD to your Problem Skin?
Do you have Problem Skin?
There can be many causes to skin problems, is your makeup remover one of them? It could be. While a lot of chemical makeup cleaners will certainly offer you the appearance of a clean face, they are really leaving a deposit of the chemicals on you.
Basically when your body produces to much oil for your skin. Oil can build up when you do not remove all your makeup from your face, clogging your pores and letting the oil build up. Just cleaning your face with a chemical makeup remover does not fix the problem. Chemical makeup removers can leave a chemical residue on your skin. This residue can clog your pores and you know that is not a good thing.
There are a number of factors that can cause wrinkles, the sun, smoking, dehydration and some medications. So let me address the causes we can control. If you are out in the sun cover up or use a sun blocker, smoking is just bad - don't do it! Medicine, consult with your doctor if your medication is hurting your skin. Lastly dehydration, this is not just drinking your 8 glasses every day. It is about taking care of your skin with your makeup and your makeup remover. A lot of chemical makeup removers use alcohol which will dry your skin. Look on the back of the bottle of a chemical makeup remover and try to determine if all the ingredients are good for you skin.
When you have Xeroris you need to minimize items that will irritate the condition. Stay away from alcohol, whether you drink it or put it on your skin. You need to keep your skin clean. This applies to when you take your makeup off, you need to take it all off. Chemical makeup removers leave a residue of chemicals on your face. This residue will affect your Xeroris.
Acne occurs when the pores on your skin become blocked with oil, dead skin, or bacteria. Just cleaning your face with a chemical makeup remover does not fix the problem. Chemical makeup removers can leave a chemical residue on your skin. This residue can clog your pores and you know that is not a good thing. You also need to remover the dead skin from clogging your pores.
A Solution to Problem Skin!
Water, pure plain warm water, no chemicals, no soaps. Did you know you can remove all of your makeup including waterproof mascara by using plain water and our Living Chem Free Makeup Remover Cloth? You can and it really is that simple. Using our Makeup Remover Cloth really is Chem Free, it removes all the makeup, I had my doubts at first, but then I used it and could not believe the difference it made. As an additional benefit the cloth is an exfoliator and removes dead skin from your face.
- Samantha Rinaldi

Are you tired of Rashes, Irritation and Red Skin from your Makeup Remover?
You are beautiful, radiant and the picture of health, until you take off your makeup. You are doing all the right things, use a makeup that works with sensitive skin and use a makeup remover at night to remove your makeup you even gave up chocolate (oh the humanity). But why all the break outs, the rashes and the red skin?
This may be the Cause!
It could be in your chemical makeup remover! While a lot of chemical makeup removers will give you the appearance of a clean face, they are actually leaving a residue of the chemicals on you. This leads to clogged pores and we all know that is not good for your skin and can cause a rash of problems. That is just the beginning, many of the drugstore chemical makeup removers use alcohol in their formulas. Most dermatologist agree alcohol dries out your skin and can cause irritation to your skin.
Now lets move on to the chemicals that they use in the chemical makeup removers. I'm not a chemist, and it is hard for me to understand what all the chemicals are. Here is an example of what is in a popular chemical makeup remover: CYCLOPENTASILOXANE, ISOHEXADECANE, POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE, SODIUM CHLORIDE, HEXYLENE GLYCOL, DIPOTASSIUM PHOSPHATE, DISODIUM EDTA, DECYL GLUCOSIDE, POLYAMINOPROPYL BIGUANIDE. F.I.L.# D178190/1. Are they safe for my skin? I don't know.
A Better Solution - The Best Makeup Remover
Water, pure plain warm water, no chemicals, no soaps. Did you know you can remove all of your makeup including waterproof mascara by using plain water and our Living Chem Free Makeup Remover Cloth? You can and it really is that simple. Using our Makeup Remover Cloth really is Chem Free, it removes all the makeup, I had my doubts at first, but then I used it and could not believe the difference it made.
If you want to get serious about taking care of your face and skin then you need to get one today!
- Samantha Rinaldi

Does your Makeup Remover Leave your Face Like Chernobyl?
Most chemical makeup removers are not the best thing in the world for your face and this applies to the convenient one time use wipes. These products leave residue behind on your face.
Caustic Ingredients
You may be surprised to find out that the active ingredients for most makeup removers have the same active ingredients as regular cleansers. Both makeup removers and cleansers rely on surfactants (Wikipedia reference), the surfactants will dissolve makeup. They both also use solublizer and emulsifiers that will help to lift makeup and remove oil and dead skin. Without the added steps of a thorough rinsing with water, these methods will leave a residue of their chemicals on your skin.
Since most women do not thoroughly rinse after using these makeup removal products your skin is exposed to solublizers, surfactants and emulsifiers at a much higher level than normal. This can lead to irritation and dry skin for some people, especially those prone to dry skin or they have sensitive skin. It should be noted that some of these products have alcohol as an ingredient, which can cause stinging.
Even the products that claim they are "Natural" you should be aware that often times manufacturers will add preservatives and other chemicals to increase shelf life, appearance and scent. Some of these preservatives when interacting with your skin and makeup release formaldehyde (Wikipedia reference).
Best Makeup Remover
Ok, you want to get your makeup off and not hurt your skin what do you do? You have two options at this point. The first one is not to wear makeup (not gonna happen), the second is to use Living Chem Free's Makeup Remover, they are absolutely amazing. When I first used one, I thought no way is a towel going to remove all my makeup, including my waterproof mascara. Boy was I surprised. The only ingredient you need is warm water. That's right just warm water and the Makeup Remover Cloth. It is absolutely incredible the amount of makeup you can remove.
This sure beats the heck out of leaving chemicals on your face and having them harm your skin. You really have to try them out.
- Samantha Rinaldi

Look Your Best and Feel Your Amazing After A Night On The Town
It is an amazing feeling that we have when we are dressed up and ready to go. Makeup, hair and so much more. Wearing a sexy dress on the night out with our gal pals or the boyfriend/hubby, right?
That's what life is all about right ladies?
I love to go to the comedy club and get some late night breakfast with my husband afterwards because laughter and food works up my appetite for sex.
Then after the good night we've had together there's only one thing left for me to do before it's off to bed for me... Remove My Makeup!
The Makeup Remover Cloth that I use is superb because it fits in my purse and I don't have to worry about lugging extra crap around with me in my overnight bag.
The nicest part is all you need is a Living Chem Free Makeup Remover Cloth and some water... It even removes the waterproof eye mascara that I love to wear!!
I heart this thing and it comes in black so it hides the spots between washes. They are easy to wash and they last me quite some time. They also make one in charcoal and they have a kit that comes with the makeup remover cloth and exfoliating glove.
- Samantha Rinaldi