Does Your Makeup Remover ADD to your Problem Skin?

Do you have Problem Skin?
There can be many causes to skin problems, is your makeup remover one of them? It could be. While a lot of chemical makeup cleaners will certainly offer you the appearance of a clean face, they are really leaving a deposit of the chemicals on you.
Basically when your body produces to much oil for your skin. Oil can build up when you do not remove all your makeup from your face, clogging your pores and letting the oil build up. Just cleaning your face with a chemical makeup remover does not fix the problem. Chemical makeup removers can leave a chemical residue on your skin. This residue can clog your pores and you know that is not a good thing.
There are a number of factors that can cause wrinkles, the sun, smoking, dehydration and some medications. So let me address the causes we can control. If you are out in the sun cover up or use a sun blocker, smoking is just bad - don't do it! Medicine, consult with your doctor if your medication is hurting your skin. Lastly dehydration, this is not just drinking your 8 glasses every day. It is about taking care of your skin with your makeup and your makeup remover. A lot of chemical makeup removers use alcohol which will dry your skin. Look on the back of the bottle of a chemical makeup remover and try to determine if all the ingredients are good for you skin.
When you have Xeroris you need to minimize items that will irritate the condition. Stay away from alcohol, whether you drink it or put it on your skin. You need to keep your skin clean. This applies to when you take your makeup off, you need to take it all off. Chemical makeup removers leave a residue of chemicals on your face. This residue will affect your Xeroris.
Acne occurs when the pores on your skin become blocked with oil, dead skin, or bacteria. Just cleaning your face with a chemical makeup remover does not fix the problem. Chemical makeup removers can leave a chemical residue on your skin. This residue can clog your pores and you know that is not a good thing. You also need to remover the dead skin from clogging your pores.
A Solution to Problem Skin!
Water, pure plain warm water, no chemicals, no soaps. Did you know you can remove all of your makeup including waterproof mascara by using plain water and our Living Chem Free Makeup Remover Cloth? You can and it really is that simple. Using our Makeup Remover Cloth really is Chem Free, it removes all the makeup, I had my doubts at first, but then I used it and could not believe the difference it made. As an additional benefit the cloth is an exfoliator and removes dead skin from your face.
- Samantha Rinaldi