Hematite Meanings
Keywords: Grounding, manifestation, making the spiritual physical
Chakras: Base
Element: Earth
Zodiac Signs: Aries, Aquarius, Taurus, Cancer
Number: 9
Hematite Crystal Healing Properties:
Hematite is a strongly grounding stone that can assist us to carry very high frequency energies while still remaining connected to the Earth and our physical body. It encompasses both yin and yang energies, encouraging balance, integration and a resolution of polarities. It helps us to see silver linings, overcome confusion and give us courage and strength. Hematite is an excellent energetic support for recovery from any ailment of the blood or blood production.
Hematite History and Uses:
Hematite’s name is derived from the ancient Greek word for blood haima, haimatitēs lithos means “blood-red stone”. When Hematite is mixed with clay it is called red ochre, which when it is ground and powdered, makes a red pigment for painting. The oldest evidence of this practice was recently found in Africa where Middle Stone Age people living approx 160,000 years ago ground red ochre to paint their bodies. Hematite was very popular during the Victorian era when it was used to make marcasite jewellery.
Hematite Geological Description:
Hematite is an iron oxide mineral with a hardness of 5 to 6. It is commonly found in massive form although tabular or rosette crystals do occur. Fine grades of Hematite suitable for polishing are found in Brazil.
Affirmation: I am balanced and whole as I ground Divine light energy into the physical realm.