CP - Moldavite
Moldavite Meanings
Key words: Transformation, rapid spiritual evolution, chakra activation, cleansing, protection, increased incidence of synchronicities
Chakras: All, especially heart and third eye
Element: Storm
Zodiac Signs: All
Number: 6
Moldavite Crystal Healing Properties:
Moldavite facilitates the revitalization and acceleration of ones path of personal evolution. Its vibration tends to focus in areas where one has blockages or wounds, first clearing these areas and then moving into resonance with ones entire energetic system. Moldavite brings to the surface that which you most need to recognise, honour, integrate or clear. It is a powerful aid for meditation and dream work.
Moldavite History and Uses:
Moldavite gets its name from the Moldau River (called the Vltava in Czech), the area in the Czech Republic where these tektites are found. This beautiful glassy forest to olive green stone which is often etched or wrinkled was used in the stone age to make arrowheads and cutting tools. It has been used since ancient times as a talisman of good fortune and fertility and was found in Austria with the Venus of Willendorf statue, the oldest representation of the Goddess, carved during the Palaeolithic period. It is also associated with the Holy Grail legend, the Grail being believed to be carved from an Emerald which fell from the sky. In Czech tradition Moldavite was given as a betrothal gift due to it’s properties of creating harmony. It is a high vibration stone which is used to accelerate spiritual evolution.
Moldavite Geological Description:
Moldavite is a member of the Tekite group, a glassy mixture of silicon dioxide, aluminium oxide and other metal oxides with a hardness of 5.5 to 6. Moldavites formation coincides with the meteorite crash that took place in what is now the Bohemian plateau of the Czech Republic, approximately 14.8 million years ago.
Affirmation: I embrace change and welcome new beginnings
Products sold by Northern Star Products are produced and designed to enhance the user’s own energy. Our jewelry and healing crystals are governed by the user’s own personal intentions to change or improve themselves. Northern Star Products products rely on the user to be effective as an energy enhancer. The responsibility for empowering the energy enhancing capability of the jewelry and crystals by Northern Star Products is solely with the user.
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